Online College Trigonometry in Accordance with Harry's Aims
Get Started Stuff
- Course Syllabus
- Course Schedule
Settings on D2L
- I want you to use your D2L e-mail and my D2L e-mail for course-related correspondence. Using Classlist in D2L
tells me what course your are in, so I will know what you're talking about and where to save your messages on the server. Warning:
Make sure you hit the SAVE button. The video shows the Save button, but I don't think I showed that last step,
- Using your D2L e-mail tool for course-related communication with me is a key to better service and higher grades.
Lecture Notes and Videos
While I would love it if you got more of your work done during class meeting times, or at least could make
good progress on homework and test preps during class, rather than be forced to pay attention and take notes
on whatever topic I feel we should be covering. Also, I've got all that stuff on video, already, and the videos
get at least one level of editing, eliminating many of the time-wasting errors that inevitably crop up in a live
setting, no matter how well-versed I am on the topic or how much time I spend preparing.
Without any preparation
I'm pretty much a wind-up toy: Give me the topic and I can talk for an hour. I've covered this material in lecture
40 or 50 times over the last 30 years or so.
But that begs the question of whether the topic and examples I choose for the live lecture are what you need
at that exact moment. I know from experience that, at best, 1/3 of the class is behind, and so are not ready for the
topic of the day, 1/3 of the class is way ahead (or way above) the day's topic, and 1/3 are smack dab in the middle,
and the best lecturers aim for that elusive "middle 1/3."
By running the class meetings as more of a "work session" with me by your side to answer any questions that aren't
already answered in the Lecture Notes and Videos to your satisfaction. This way, 99% of what I say in class is going
straight into the brain of a prepared and receptive mind (or you wouldn't have the question!).
WebAssign Homework and Written Homework
- Homework Videos and Notes
- WebAssign Quizzes are all taken from the same question bank as I use for the Homework. If you give up on a homework problem and settle for an 80% B
on the homework, you will probably encounter that problem you skipped on the Quiz, and Quiz questions weigh more than Homework questions.
Written Work Assignments and Solutions
- This archive will grow throughout the semester to up to 15 weekly assignments.
Last Spring's Written Midterm and Written Final
Other Links
- Direct Portal to WebAssign
- This is the quick way to get in AFTER you register through D2L
- Lecture Notes and Videos
- While you are free to work on your own during class, you're still responsible for anything appearing in the
notes. Sometimes, you will also want to watch all or part of the video recording for a given day, based on what
took place while you were doing something else.
More Resources:
- Homework
Extensions for Late Work on WebAssign.
- If you're in a hurry, use the Automatic Extension Request. If you have some time, put
in a Manual Extension Request, because I'm a lot nicer than WebAssign, especially in Chapter 1, where I rarely deduct any points for
late work, to help people get started.
- LockDown
Browser for Quizzes on WebAssign
- You will need to enable this feature on your web browser to take WebAssign
Quizzes. I think Cengage (WebAssign) people walk you through it. You might have to install it when you go in to take
Quiz 1 over Chapter 1. From then on, it will work in the background.