Online College Trigonometry Lecture Notes and Videos

I will add the notes and videos as they are generated during class.

Each class will begin with whatever announcements need to be made, and then I'll cut you loose to work on your homework and test preps.

If you want me to cover a particular concept/example/exercise during the face-to-face, hit me up in E-Mail (Use Classlist on D2L), and I can prep specifically for your question or even make an extra video ahead of time, in some cases.

Using these notes and videos

These notes and videos are not comprehensive. For more comprehensive coverage, go to
  • Homework Notes and Videos
  • The lecture notes and videos are more like highlights. Things mentioned in notes are more likely to show up on tests, because we talked about them in real time, and I want the live ZOOM to really pay for the sacrifice in time that people make to come to class.

    While I don't require your undivided attention during lecture, I do hold everyone accountable for anything that appears in the lecture notes, as I consider the lecure notes a rich resource for Weekly Written Work and especially Written Midterm and Written Final. questions.

    I don't think it's too hard to keep yourself apprised of what we're doing in class. Just check in, open the day's notes, and see what was covered. If need be, you can then open up the video for that day, and scroll ahead to the point in the video where I talked about what I was putting on the board.

    That said, if you devote yourself assiduously to doing the work, and doing the work in such a way that you're learning the stuff, and getting all your questions answered, you might not even have to check the notes in order to earn a good grade. But there will be Easter eggs sprinkled throughout, so I'd advise at least skimming each day's notes. That may not take you more than 15 or 20 minutes per week, while you spend the rest of your time actually working problems.

    The #1 and #2 strongest correlates with a high grade are:

    1. The number of exercises you do over the course of the semester; and,
    2. The amount of time you spend working exercises and practicing, especially practicing "without a net," in other words, to perform well on tests, you need to practice working exercises without opening your book or referring to your notes.
    The last bit: working problems without a net, is the math version of the musician's saying:

    If you rehearse like it's a performance, then the performance is just like a rehearsal!

    I highly recommend practicing for tests by re-creating test conditions, using only your cheat sheet and a scientific calculator.